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Get Help/Referrals

Te Whakaora Tangata is committed to providing long term emotional, spiritual and practical support so you can create a better future for you and your whānau.

If you would like to refer yourself or someone else to our programmes please click below – we look forward to journeying alongside you and your whānau.


Life Restoration Programme


  • Te Whakaora’s three-stage programme begins with a free, five-session Life Restoration Course to help you start your healing journey and become the role model your children and grandchildren need. We focus on identifying and working through the root trauma that causes suicidal thoughts, depression etc.
    Our courses run for five-morning sessions over two weeks in Auckland and the Far North. Auckland courses are held in Manurewa; Far North courses are held in Kaitaia.
  • After completing the Life Restoration Course, whānau are equipped with the tools to live well, through one-on-one counselling, whānau coaching, group mentoring workshops, practical advice and support – including support with overcoming addictions & employment coaching.
  • Our new Community Leadership Programme works with whānau who have found healing through our Life Restoration Programme and have a desire to step forward as mentors and role models for other community whānau through their own restoration journey.

You can complete a referral form yourself or be referred by a community agency or health service. If you would like to submit a referral form, please click the ‘Make a Referral’ button above.

Who can come?

You qualify for our support if you feel there is no way out of your situation and you’re worried you might harm yourself or others. Oranga Tamariki may have removed your children, you may have a court case pending, or you’re at the lowest point in your life.

There is HOPE

If you want help to turn your life around and create a brighter future for your children, we would love to hear from you. Read some stories of hope below.

Stories of hope

For more information please contact: