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Support Us

As a registered charity, Te Whakaora relies solely on the generosity of caring New Zealanders to sustain and grow our work, we receive no government funding.

NZ Charities Commission Registration Number: CC45560. Donations to Te Whakaora Tangata may qualify for a 33% tax rebate.

Mum holding up baby

Partner with us

Ways to donate

Online Banking: You can donate directly into Te Whakaora’s bank account – either one-off or recurring – please send your name and address to info@tewhakaora.org.nz so we can send you a receipt as soon as possible.

Community Partnership: For community organisations wanting to establish an ongoing formal partnership, please contact us here.

Become a ‘Hopegiver’

Join our Legacy Programme

Including a legacy gift in your Will is generation-changing as it helps ensure tomorrow’s community have the same bright and restored futures that our Te Whakaora whānau have hope for today.

Join us as we prepare the way for our future whānau to live well and see their children and grandchildren given every opportunity to reach their full potential.